The First Semi High-Speed Regional Rail Service in India was introduced on Tuesday, April 11 under the moniker ‘RAPIDX’ by the National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC)

The first semi-high-speed regional rail service in India, to be known as “RAPIDX”, will launch in 2023, as per the announcement made by the National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC). According to the statement given by the Officials, The Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) routes would be used by the trains as they connect the major urban centers, and it is being built in the National Capital Region (NCR) to connect significant metropolitan hubs like Delhi NCR that includes Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, etc.  


The first semi-high-speed regional rail service in India, to be known as “RAPIDX”

In the name “RAPIDX”, ‘X’ stands for the modern transportation solution and next-generation technology, which are symbols of energy, speed, new-age youth, optimism, and easy-to-read & pronouns. (statement given by NCRTC Representatives). They further stated; RAPIDX will give young people in the NCR simpler, quicker, access to a range of opportunities that will help them achieve their goals. The transit of the region has already embraced and adored the name ‘RAPIDX’ for their own transit system, using both Hindi and English.

There is a green leaf symbol in the logo. That, green leaf in the brand’s emblem serves as a visual representation of its commitment to reduce carbon emissions both through the use of green energy and by decongesting the NCR’s roads with fewer vehicles. The company also wants to use green energy in its operations, therefore solar panels have been installed at the stations and depots, and the usage of blended power in the traction is being gradually increased. The Union Government, the states of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh, and this Corporation, the NCRTC, are a joint Venture.


The Union Government, the states of Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh, and this Corporation, the NCRTC, are a joint Venture.

By clearing up and reducing congestion in NCR, lowering the number of vehicles on the road, and using renewable energy, NCRTC hopes to aid in the decarbonization of the region. Its green leaf logo emphasizes the company’s and brand’s dedication to decarbonization. The NCRTC, a joint venture corporation between different states of NCR, is utilizing green energy by installing solar panels on stations and depots as well as using mixed electricity in traction, which is intended to be gradually intensified and strengthened.    

This 82 km long corridor will be served by the RAPIDX on the first RRTS corridor, Delhi to Ghaziabad to Meerut, which will be considered to reduce the amount of duration the train takes to travel from Delhi to Meerut. By 2025, the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut corridor should be open to the public, according to the NCRTC. Earlier than expected, they continued, a 17 km priority segment between Sahibabad and Duhai would be operationalized in 2023. The RAPIDX Service is anticipated to give the youth in NCR quick access to a world of different options and guide them toward their goal and grail.