Through a video conference, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi officially opened the third iteration of the Global Maritime India Summit in Mumbai in 2023. A roadmap for the Indian Maritime Blue economy, known as “Amrit Kaal Vision 2947,” was also launched by the prime minister. The Prime Minister formally launched and committed this forward-thinking initiative to the country. Additionally, he set the groundwork for projects valued at over Rs. 23, 000 crores that support the Indian maritime blue economy and the “Amrit Kaal Vision 2047.” A fantastic foundation for luring investment into the nation’s maritime sector is offered by the submission. The Prime Minister welcomed everyone to the third edition of the Global Maritime India Summit 2023 in his speech to the assembly.


Through a video conference, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi officially opened the third iteration of the Global Maritime India Summit in Mumbai in 2023.

He emphasised that a new global order is emerging today and recalled how the uncertainty surrounding the Covid epidemic had affected the entire world during the summit in 2021. The Prime Minister emphasised that the world is looking to India with new hopes as the global order changes. The world has always profited from India’s maritime capabilities, according to history, according to the prime minister. He emphasised how the historic G20 accord has fundamentally changed the course of the projected India-Middle East Europe Economic Corridor. Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed that India is striving to achieve its goal of being a developed country within the next 25 years.


Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed that India is striving to achieve its goal of being a developed country within the next 25 years.

Prime Minister Modi reaffirmed that India is striving to achieve its goal of being a developed country within the next 25 years. He emphasised that the administration is implementing revolutionary changes in every area and brought up the efforts made to fortify India’s maritime industry. ‘Amrit Kaal Vision 2047’, the long-term plan for the Indian maritime blue economy, was presented by the prime minister during the programme. The plan delineates tactical measures intended to improve harbour infrastructure, advance sustainable methodologies, and foster global cooperation. The Prime Minister unveiled, dedicated to the country, and laid the cornerstone of projects worth over Rs 23,000 crores that are in keeping with the “Amrit Kaal Vision 2047” for the Indian ocean blue economy in accordance with this ambitious plan.


The conference offers a fantastic venue for drawing capital into the nation’s maritime industry.

Ministers from all over the world, including those from Europe, Africa, South America, and Asia (including central Asia, the Middle East, and the BIMSTEC region), will be present at the largest maritime event in the nation. Global CEOs, business executives, investors, officials, and other stakeholders from around the world are also expected to attend the summit. Ministers and other dignitaries will also represent a number of Indian states at the summit. Among the important topics that will be covered during the three days of the summit are ports of the future, decarbonization, shipbuilding, repair and recycling, finance, insurance, and arbitration, maritime clusters, innovation and technology, maritime safety and security, and maritime tourism. The conference offers a fantastic venue for drawing capital into the nation’s maritime industry.