On September 13, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah announced that the state would explain the state’s water shortage to the Cauvery River Regulatory Committee in an application. Following an all-party meeting, Siddaramaiah revealed the plan to resolve the current Cauvery River water conflict.

“We resolved at the all-party meeting that we would resubmit an application to the Cauvery River Regulatory Committee explaining the real situation in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and claiming that we lack water,” the official said.


Following an all-party meeting, Siddaramaiah revealed the plan to resolve the current Cauvery River water conflict.

The chief minister added that in order to address this urgent matter, the government has also chosen to file a petition with the Supreme Court. We also made the decision to petition the Supreme Court during the multi-party meeting. We also made the decision to write a letter to the water resources minister and the prime minister of India, letting them know that we want to send a delegation and asking for a mutually convenient time to meet,” he said

We are considering travelling to Delhi to meet with all of the ministers and MPs who are from Karnataka, the man said. The Cauvery Water Regulation Committee (CWRC) had earlier in the day recommended that Karnataka provide 5,000 cusecs of water per day for the following 15 days to Tamil Nadu. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah had then ordered the holding of a “special emergency meeting” in response.


Shivakumar claimed that only 36 trillion cubic feet (TMC) of water was still available, despite the fact that 98 TMC should have been. 

This comes after D.K. Shivakumar, the irrigation and deputy chief minister of Karnataka, declared that there is no water and that the state is experiencing severe drought conditions. They made these comments as the conflict over the Cauvery River’s water sharing with neighbouring Tamil Nadu raged on.

Shivakumar claimed that only 36 trillion cubic feet (TMC) of water was still available, despite the fact that 98 TMC should have been. A similar circumstance had not occurred in more over 130 years. We have been experiencing an extremely severe drought for the past two months. The previous time, we had four times as much. Everything will be discussed during the meeting. Shivakumar spoke to ANI, a leading news Agency.