On Tuesday, FM Logistic, a French contract logistic company, opened its first CT (Control Tower) facility in Pune. The Control Tower is a component of FM Logistic’s strategy to improve its 4PL (fourth-party logistics) and LLP (lead logistics provider) solutions in the Indian market. Jean-Christophe Machet, the CEO of FM Logistic, Stephane Descarpentries, the MD (Managing Director), of Asia and Strategic Projects, Alexandre Amine Soufiani, the MD, of FM Logistic Singapore, and Ajit Jangle, the MD, of FM Logistic India, all attended the opening of the Control Tower.
This technology-driven supply chain service is provided by FM Logistic, one of the leading contract logistics providers in India, and it enables its clients to drastically reduce their logistical costs thanks to its profits sharing method. The centralised transportation control tower services that give end-to-end visibility will be made available to FM Logistic’s clients through this new product.
The centralised transportation control tower services that give end-to-end visibility will be made available to FM Logistic’s clients through this new product.
The Control Tower provides a wide range of transportation-related services, including order management, network design, vehicle management, transport simulation, track-and-trace services, and comprehensive process automation to eliminate redundant work and make the most use of available resources. To ensure seamless data transfer, complete visibility, and real-time performance monitoring through Business Intelligence dashboards, the Control Tower Integrated Logistics Platform provides EDI/API connectivity with the customer’s ERP as well as track and trace systems.
Predictive analysis is a vital part of the Control Tower system that supports decision-making in the event of an emergency. FM Logistic is constantly ready to change to meet the needs of the marketplace. The COVID-19 epidemic has demonstrated how important it is for supply chains to adapt to the constantly shifting demands of the industry.
Building and maintaining strong and resilient supply chains is essential in the unstable business environment of today
Consolidation, efficiency, and optimization—all essential components of a strong supply chain—are provided by this new service. Building and maintaining strong and resilient supply chains is essential in the unstable business environment of today. FM Logistic provides storage and distribution logistics services for the FMCG, automotive, retail, engineering, e-commerce, telecom, pharma, and other sectors from approximately 7 million square feet of warehouse space managed across 100 facilities in 35 cities.
The first tool for achieving platforms’ carbon neutrality is the eco-design of structures. In an effort to achieve the highest standard of quality, all of the sites that the organisation has constructed—totalling more than 900,000 square meters—have been LEED(TM) or HQE(r) certified since 2012. This enables energy savings of at least 20% and as much as 50% when compared to a typical location. The warehouse in Farrukhnagar, India, for instance, will be the first building in the nation to combine FM Global and LEEd(TM) Silver certifications for its high standards of structural safety and environmental performance. The distribution facility in Vietnam close to Hanoi has a Gold certification.
Last but not least, the firm has relied on the acquisition and generation of renewable energy for many years. It uses photovoltaic panels to generate energy in six nations (France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Poland, and India), producing or developing close to 3,000 MWH of green electricity over a dozen locations.