On Friday, Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao addressed a gathering at Rajendranagar’s Telangana Police academy grounds after laying a foundation stone for a 31 km-long Hyderabad Airport Metro Rail Corridor.
The project started at Rayadurgam metro station (near IT Hub mindscape) to Samshabad airport with a travel time of 26 minutes. It would cost approximately Rs.6250 Cr, CM Chandrasekhar Rao said.
Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao addressed a gathering at Rajendranagar’s Telangana Police academy grounds
Further, he added, the Hyderabad metro rail project entails a 27 Km elevated route to a 2.5 Km underground passage.
It is being planned as a jointly owned project of the Union and Telangana governments with external financial assistance.
Bids for the project have already been solicited and will be accepted till December 13, 2022. According to the officials, the proposed metro will have an advanced aerodynamic design and coaches will be deployed to ensure a top speed of 120 kmph.
The state government (GMR group, which manages Rajiv Gandhi International Airport and HMDA (Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority) recently announced that the metro-rail project to Hyderabad airport project is fully funded by the state government unlike the existing metro corridors crisscrossing the city. HAML is a special-purpose vehicle and a joint venture between HMRL (Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited), and TSIIC (Telangana State Industrial and Infrastructure Cooperation).
Hyderabad Metro Rail Project is the largest Public-Private Partnership in metro rail projects across the world
Hyderabad Metro Rail Project is the largest Public-Private Partnership in metro rail projects across the world, at present, the HMRL and LTMRHL (L&T Metro Rail Hyderabad Ltd) operates 3 corridors covering 69 km.
Metro Rail and Mass Transport are the most viable option to control the traffic problem and Pollution free systems, and there is a need to expand this (metro project) in Hyderabad also, the govt. was working towards providing all the facilities of the people of Hyderabad in line with the increasing demographic demands, CM KCR said.
Hyderabad is known as a truly cosmopolitan city in the country by embracing all religions, and communities have now become a global city, he added.
Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao compliments the official for putting efforts to make the Airport metro project a reality and alleged that Hyderabad was not appropriately developed during the earlier govt. in undivided Andhra Pradesh. Further, he added, this city has been turned into a ‘Power Island’ by connecting it with all the power generating stations in the state and the national electricity grid, which means a continuous power supply.
That means there are maybe power outages in New York, London, and Paris, but there will be no power interruption in Hyderabad.
There are 500 IT firms in Hyderabad. He added that need to increase the greenery in the city and permission is also given to construct the skyscrapers also.