The Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi led an electric vehicle start-up which has been set up to put efforts into deep and detailed research for making electric two-wheelers which are safe. According to the plans of the company, once the testing of the vehicles is done, the EV will be ready to roll out.

Vikas Gupta, who is the co-founder of the start-up called Creatara Mobility Pvt Ltd with another company Ringlarei Pamei has said that it is easy for anyone to glue together some parts made of plastic, give it the name of an EV and sell it, but the real task is to make electric vehicles which are safe for nature and also, can adapt to the conditions of Indian driving by being reliable for the consumer. Both the companies were founded in the year 2018 and are alumnus of IIT-Delhi.


Creatara Mobility Pvt Ltd was founded by Vikas Gupta.

The company is currently working on the making of next-generation electric vehicles that are both safe and reliable for the consumers as well as for the environment, said Gupta. He also added that the vital goal of the company is to come up with the safest electric two-wheeler in the world. These trials are being done by Vikas Gupta using the CART Lab, which is a facility provided by IIT-Delhi to run tests on samples. The facility setup is also supported by the Government Department of Science and Technology and is known as FIIT.

According to Mr Gupta, multiple certain mechanisms are provided by Creatara Mobility from levels from cell to pack. All the cells used by the company are prior tested in-house by the company. There are certain standards for sorting and grading the parameters. This year in April, for their major systems and innovative work on the framework combinations, Creatara Mobility won the Altair Start-up Challenge during the development and early design production phases. Creatara Mobility was recognised by Altair in partnership with ARAI, the Confederation of Indian Industry, and the government’s “Start-up India” programme as one of the most creative and promising electric vehicle start-ups.

A grant of Rs 64 lakh was awarded to Creatara by Sona Comstar, which is an automotive system and component organisation. The grant was awarded under the Sona-Comstar-IIT Delhi Innovation Programme which is also known as SCIDIP. Currently, two angel investors, NK Securities and Soonicorn are supporting the start-up for a confidential amount.


The company is working on next-generation electric vehicles that are both safe and reliable for consumers.

The scooter by Creatara Mobility is expected to enter the Automotive Research Association of India after being launched at the next Auto Expo. The company has shared that they are planning to launch the vehicle and sell it initially in Delhi and National Capital Region. Following several incidences of Electric Vehicles or electric cars, catching fire around the country calls for safer batteries for electric scooters have risen, with electric scooter manufacturers of various types suddenly increasing.

Concerns have been raised by the safety experts of the automotive industry regarding the batteries that are being used as they are working up with mini two-wheeler EVs at a good rate. Incidents are also being looked upon by the government for keeping the records. An investigation was ordered in March after an EV belonging to Ola caught fire in Pune.