Log9 Materials which is a start-up based out of Bangalore has recently announced its partnership with Pi Beam, which is a last-mile transport service provider. The partnership aims to boost the operations of last-mile delivery of Pi Beam with the help of Log9’s InstaCharge battery technology. an MoU has been signed by both the companies expecting the partnership to take place for a long time and is also expected to work towards reducing the carbon footprint in the logistics sector. Bot Pi Beam and Log9 are keen to take a step forward in order to fight climate change.
As a part of the partnership between the two companies, Log9 Materials will deliver a large number of their special electric vehicle which is Rage+ RapidEV. An electric 3-wheeler fleet, that is powered by RapidX batteries by Log9, which are Instacharge. InstaCharge refers to the technology that has been fitted into the batteries which will help to charge the EVs from 0 to 100% within 35 minutes only. Primarily, the development of the Rage+ RapidEV has been jointly done by Log9 Materials and Omega Seiki Mobility, focusing on the Indian consumers and unique requirements for delivery purposes and is powered by Log9 materials’ RapidX 6000 battery for a longer duration.
Log9 Materials claims to capitalize on the competency to develop batteries that have fast charging capabilities.
The InstaCharge battery technology of Log9 will allow Pi Beam’s delivery fleet to run for more time, provide more efficiency and will also return better on investment through the company’s last-mile delivery operations. The RapidEV fleets and its data-driven analytics will help the company to enhance the route planning for their vehicles in a better way for hyper-local last-mile deliveries. The partnership between the two companies also brings Pi Beam under the shelter of the responsible Delivery Movement by Log9, which is an initiative in India to bring down the emissions caused by the logistics industry of the nation. The aim of the movement is to boost the adoption of electric vehicles in India and reduce the emissions caused by India’s transportation and logistics by at least 33% by the year 2030.
The Founder and CEO of Log9 Materials, Dr Akshay Singhal has said that the company s delighted to have partnered with Pi Beam in order to accelerate the delivery operations of the company with their Rage+ RapidEVs, which are 3 wheelers electric vehicles powered by the battery packs and InstaCharge of Log9 Materials. Dr Singhal has shown confidence in the partnership mentioning they expect it to go a long way to give force to the transformation of conventional last-mile logistics and operations in India to become sustainable electric mobility.
The special electric vehicle is Rage+ RapidEV – by Log9 Materials.
Along with data-driven analytics, Pi Beam also offers micro-mobility Electric Vehicles services to increase the productivity in transportation space, especially in the last-mile logistics industry. Pi Beam’s EVs are currently working pan India for customer deliveries in industries like retail, e-commerce and other small and medium-sized businesses. Alongside, Log9 Materials claims that the company has capitalised on the competency to develop the batteries that have fast charging capabilities and offer 9x fast charging, better performance and battery life, which brings down the charging time for batteries and helps them to operate for longer hours, according to the claims of the company.