Automobile major Tata Motors announced on Thursday that it has secured an order for 1,300 commercial vehicles from logistics company VRL logistics. The auto-making company has said that the order includes a heavy and medium range of commercial vehicles and light and intermediate-range vehicles that are suited for the logistics operations of the company. The selection of the vehicles was done based on some factors that will enable VRL logistics to boost the efficiency of its fleet. The selection criteria included the low cost of ownership, high fuel efficiency of the vehicles and superior drivability.
The vice president of Sales and Marketing of Tata Motors Commercial Vehicle Business Unit, Rajesh Kaul said that the company aims to develop the vehicles in a way that it can offer its ownership at the lowest cost and a wide range of the company will assure the best service support in the industry pan India. He also added that the company is looking forward to a great partnership with VRL Logistics and would be delighted to serve the company’s operations to be seamless with the best support.
Tata Motors is a leading Indian Multinational auto manufacturing company.
Mentioning the manufacturing of the vehicles, Tata Motors said that the vehicles used commercially are designed and developed on the philosophy of ‘Power of 6’, which helps to deliver low cost of operations, driveability, connectivity, convenience and comfort. The company also offers Sampoorna Seva, which is a flagship initiative. An amalgamation of services offered by the company for the vehicles includes breakdown assistance, assurance for repair time, accidental and insurance repair time, an extension of warranty and many other add-on services provided by the company for the well-keeping and maintenance of the vehicle.
Currently, the company is supported by a large global network of nine associate companies, 103 subsidiaries, four joint ventures and two joint operations. Also, it is operating in regions of the UK, India, Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia and South Africa. The commercial and passenger vehicles of Tata Motors are marketed in well-spread regions of Africa, South & Southeast Asia, the middle east, Russia and other CIS countries, South America and Australia.
VRL Logistics is one of the leading companies in the industry of Indian Passenger Travel and the private sector.
VRL Logistics is a public listed company that was founded in the year 1976. It is a nationally renowned logistics and transport company that also claims to be the largest fleet owner of commercial vehicles in India. The company has developed its name by providing its customers with reliable and safe logistics solutions network in the industry of last-mile delivery and shipping services in remote locations. It is one of the leading companies in the industry of Indian Passenger Travel and the private sector. It offers its operations to Cargo and Transport and cargo companies, to meet the growing demand of its customer base.
On the other hand, Tata Motors is a leading Indian Multinational auto manufacturing company, which is headquartered in Mumbai and is a part of the Tata Group. The company was earlier known as Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company, TELCO. Founded in 1945, the company manufactured its first-ever commercial vehicle in the year 1954 with time became the first Indian manufacturing company to achieve the potential of developing a competitive original automobile.