Dallas-based freight transportation and logistics service provider company TForce Logistics shared the plans to expand its last-mile delivery capacity services based out of Toronto, to turn up with its fourth project, which is a new Hamilton distribution centre facility in the metropolitan area of Greater Toronto.
According to the officials of TForce, the distribution centre is located in Stoney Creek, Ontario covering an area of 8,140 sq ft, provides the company with the ability to provide the service of next day service from Hamilton to Niagara Falls down the highway 401 corridor. The new distribution centre will enable the customers that TForce Logistics serves in many different ways to support the business of their customers like final-mile delivery management of returns, and fulfilment of orders. These customer groups are a combination of manufacturing and business deliveries, including components, supplies, parts and consumer orders generated by e-commerce. the company also provides home delivery for such goods, which include furniture, food items, appliances, home electronics, home accessories and other consumer staples.
The experience of TForce logistics’ delivery remains highly flexible, reliable and visible in the areas of Niagara and Hamilton.
Dean Mills, VP of Sales at TForce Logistics, North America said that the company is continuously focused on the aim of adding service coverage and potential in the markets with high populations and expanding in the markets of Niagara and Hamilton just made sense due to the factors like its high population and high growth region with density for the same. he also added the company will come forward with more such expansions for the growth in the market in different regions by the end of this year.
While talking about the advantages that the new distribution centre for the customers of TForce Logistics, Mills mentioned that in the new region, the consumers will receive next day delivery services and also the entire delivery tracking will be provided to them as well. For other customers of the company like the shippers, the advantage is that they can now expand their shipping traces with the company through the same distribution centre for pick up and expanding the area of next day delivery by shipping with the company. Mills also added that regarding the competitive benefits that come with the new distribution centre, the new market will help TForce Logistics and its customers to add more value.
Dean Mills, VP of Sales at TForce Logistics, North America.
The expansion of the service coverage area of TForce Logistics beyond the Greater Toronto Area, including Niagara and Hamilton will enable the customer of the company to also expand their order acceptance range for the customers in the new area that comers under the shipping locations of the company. The experience of TForce logistics’ delivery remains highly flexible, reliable and visible in the areas of Niagara and Hamilton as well, with low-cost service. Other than the new distribution centre of TForce Logistics in the metropolitan area of Greater Toronto, the company also has its track in Brampton with a distribution and fulfilment centre covering the area of 21,500 sq ft, and 21,000 sq ft space in Toronto, as well as 5,000 sq, ft space in Markham.