The planning for the capacity still depends on the paperwork and other traditional processes, which consume a lot of time in the UK rail network. Rail technology specialists 3Squared are almost ready with their PathPlanner software solution which will be deployed in just a few months. The company believes to make better use of the alternate network capacity. 3Squared experts have stated that the tool could bring a huge difference and help with the train scheduling process in the 21st century in the smaller arena of planning. PathPlanner is a specially designed tool that helps to find a slot for the freight trains amid the busy schedule of the UK network. The industry has also shown its interest in the same.

The UK government has directed a call that more freight be transported through rail in an initiative to reach a net-zero carbon economy by the year 2050. The large cost of the additional network capacity comes in the way. The lead engineer of the PathPlanner project, Martin Gleadow has stated that with the project, they are supporting the objective of the Network Rail and the government, as finding a freight path at a short notice is a labor-intensive operation right now. The project aims to bring about a solution that is cheaper and easier for freight operators to execute and make it more competitive for rail freight.


3Squared is an award-winning digital solution and service provider to the rail industry.

Gleadow also explains that paperwork is still a crucial part of the train-planning which makes it hard to take advantage of any improvised capacity. Also, the whole system is primarily based on the local knowledge experience that the train planners bring. Although the experts ace at their job around the network, the possibility of taking advantage of the potential opportunities for capacity becomes less. Rather than making the train planners unnecessary, PathPlanners makes them the most efficient for operators of rail freight.

The potential of PathPlanner to assist in identifying existing fresh capacity has a fair attraction for the government due to the current tight economic situation. 3Squared does not argue with leaving the enhancements of infrastructures, but they claim that their software could be useful in this situation. The company points out the fact that the tool can help to bridge the gap between the aim to grow the rail freight sector and the developments of the wholesale network.


The project aims to bring about a solution that is cheaper and easier for freight operators to execute and make it more competitive for rail freight.

Gleadow also points out the difference in attitude while comparing airport landing surfaces and rail paths, stating that there is a difference between running a path and owning a path. The company is working very closely with the industry of rail freight to get an offer from the industry at a large level. Although there are a lot of segments to keep the work going, right now, there are no combined steps taken that could help to address the capacity.

The Transport Department, which is a body of the UK government, has to get more ways to manage the capacity. The software solution provides an advantage that might not be incorporated speedily in the current system of the industry business planning. It can greatly help to reduce the labor, terminate the disruptions, and make the operation more dependable.