According to information, shipment of wheat from India to Afghanistan via Pakistan will begin from next week.

Recently officials said, India’s 50,000 tonnes of wheat shipment to Afghanistan as part of its humanitarian aid to the trouble-torn country through Pakistani soil will start from next week. India has been pitching for providing unimpeded humanitarian aid to Afghanistan to address the unfolding humanitarian crisis in the country.

Before it was already announced about the plans of sending 50,000 tonnes of wheat and medicines to Afghanistan by road transport through Pakistan. Last year Pakistan allowed India to send 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan by using its land route after the humanitarian situation get worsed after the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul.

Now on this matter diplomatic sources told Islamabad media, All hurdles have been removed and the Indian side has shared with Pakistan the list of Afghan truck drivers and contractors who would carry the wheat to Afghanistan via Pakistan.

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Now on this matter diplomatic sources told Islamabad media, All hurdles have been removed and the Indian side has shared with Pakistan the list of Afghan truck drivers and contractors who would carry the wheat to Afghanistan via Pakistan.

According to the sources it says, “the shipment of wheat will begin from next week”. After the both sides of understanding, India should complete the shipment within 30 days of the first consignment sent through the Wagah border.

India also signed an MoU recently with the World Food Programme (WFP) on the distribution of wheat to Afghanistan. India would hand over the wheat to (WFP) in Afghanistan that would then distribute it among the people.

Initially, Islamabad wanted the transportation of humanitarian assistance goods to Kabul on Pakistani trucks under the banner of the United Nations.


Initially, Islamabad wanted the transportation of humanitarian assistance goods to Kabul on Pakistani trucks under the banner of the United Nations.

But on the other side India made a counter proposal and wanted the food grain to be shipped to Afghanistan either in Indian or Afghan trucks. Now the two sides agreed that wheat would be carried by Afghan trucks and a list of Afghan contractors is already shared with Pakistan by India.

According to the information, on 7th October India had sent a proposal to Pakistan on seeking the transit facility to send 50,000 tonnes of wheat to the people of Afghanistan via Pakistan road and then on 24th November it Islamabad gave a positive response on it. Following the Pakistani response, both sides were in contact about the finalising the modalities for the transportation of the shipments.

It is expecting that the export of food grains which is providing by India will help Afghanistan to deal with shortages. According to international aid agencies it is said that, about 23 million Afghans are in need of urgent support.

If we talk about Afghanistan, then from last year August 15 Afghanistan was under the Taliban rule, when the Afghan hardline militant group ousted the elected Ashraf Ghani the government of president and forced him to flee the country and take refuge in the UAE. India has not recognised the new regime in Afghanistan and has been pitching for the formation of a truly inclusive government in Kabul, besides insisting that Afghan soil must not be used for any terrorist activities against any country.

Ashraf Ghani

India has not recognised the new regime in Afghanistan and has been pitching for the formation of a truly inclusive government in Kabul, besides insisting that Afghan soil must not be used for any terrorist activities against any country.