They include internationally agreed regulatory principles adopted by workers, employers and governments in 2019 on the calculation of sustainable payments; attraction, retention, diversity and image; professionalization and formalization; occupational safety and health; licensing and the provision of welfare facilities.

According to the report, after some signs of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, global supply chains are being put at risk again by an unprecedented crisis. As the backbone of global supply chains, road transport operators are calling on governments for support to avoid bankruptcies and to stabilize the transport system as a whole.

The Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Guy Ryder said, The road transport sector, in particular truck drivers, has played a huge part in keeping the economy moving, and will certainly continue to do so. Governments must now do their part to ensure the sector has the decent working conditions needed to keep our supply chains open.

Guy Ryder

Governments must now do their part to ensure the sector has the decent working conditions needed to keep our supply chains open.

Dramatic increases in demand, ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, driver shortages and drastic fuel price increases have created a perfect storm that can further aggravate supply chain disruptions just before the holiday season and well into 2022, warns the International Road Transport Union (IRU), the global industry association for road transport, representing 3.5 million transport companies. Further Guy Ryder added To tackle the crisis effectively governments, workers and employers organizations, and others involved in the road transport supply chain shippers, receivers, transport buyers and intermediaries will need to work together. The critical role played by these workers must be recognized and taken into account, including by public health authorities and border control agencies, in efforts to control the pandemic.

In September, a joint open letter, sent to the United Nations, made an urgent plea for a reinstatement of freedom of movement for transport workers.


In September, a joint opne letter, sent to the United Nations, made an urgent plea for a reinstatement of freedom of movement for transport workers.

It was signed by the International Road Transport Union (IRU), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Chamber of Shipping and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF). In November, the IRU issued an Emergency call to governments to urgently address the supply chain crisis.

On this IRU Secretary General Umberto de Pretto said, We need governments to act now to avoid delays and shortages of products through to the end of the year and into 2022. They include internationally agreed regulatory principles adopted by workers, employers and governments in 2019 on the calculation of sustainable payments; attraction, retention, diversity and image; professionalization and formalization; occupational safety and health; licensing and the provision of welfare facilities.

Supply chain disruptions are causing major issues every day in my region, at the crossroads of Eurasian and global trade, as in most other countries. Logistics companies are doing their best, but governments also need to act now to keep goods moving, concern expressed by the President of IRU Goods Transport Council Asli Malik.


Logistics companies are doing their best, but governments also need to act now to keep goods moving, concern expressed by the President of IRU Goods Transport Council Asli Malik.